Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Skeletal Muscular Study Guide

Topics to Study for the Assessment:
1. What are the structure and functions of the skeletal system?
2. What are the structure and functions of the muscular system?
3. What are the types of muscles and give and example and location of each?
4. What are the types of joints and give and example and location of each?
5. How do the muscular and skeletal system work together to allow your body to move?
6. What are diseases, disorders and injuries found in the skeletal and muscular systems?
7. Describe the difference and give an example of voluntary and involuntary muscles.
8. What is bone composed of?  Be specific of the different components, what they are made of and what their function is.

Click here to link to the study packet for the assessment.

Bill Nye Bones and Muscles Full Video

Here is a link to the study guide key, including the skeletal system page we worked on in class today.

Here is a Quizlet.

Keep Studying!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Composition of Bone and other Review Links

Biodigital 3D Link- Click here to access
Cross section of a bone.

Here are some links to some review items on the skeletal system:
Reading on Bones and joints- Sciencesaurus
Worksheet Labeling the Bones found in your body

Link to the Medtropolis - Skeletal System Online Webquest
Click here to access - Good Review

We are going to cover the major structures and functions of you bones:
  • Periosteum
  • compact (hard) bone
  • cancellous (spongy) bone
  • bone marrow (red and yellow)

Download in Pages to type into

Friday, May 27, 2016

Introduction to Skeletal System

QFocus Links:

Tweetie Birds QFocus

Ducks QFocus

Skeletal Systems Structure and Function:

bones, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, joints (location not structure)

1. protection
2. support/ shape
3. create blood cells
4. storage
5. movement

Interactive Sites:
Webcode- CEP - 4012

Learn the Bones - ABCya

BBC - Joints Interactive

Inner Body - Joints and Skeleton of leg and foot

Wisc online- Skeleton

Movie on the Skeletal System

A neat video on drawing a ankle joint.  

Monday, May 23, 2016

"How Lungs Work" and "At Capacity" Articles

Circulatory and Respiratory Study Guide

A few more resources:

Study Guide

Standards Assessed:

In multicellular organisms, the body is a system of multiple interacting subsystems. These subsystems are groups of cells that work together to form tissues and organs that are specialized for particular body functions. (MS-LS1-3)

Topics Covered:
1. Structures and functions of the Circulatory System - Cover sheet and readings

2. Structures and functions of the Respiratory System - Cover sheet and readings

3. How do the circulatory and respiratory system work together to perform the gas exchange? - Work sheets, constructed responses, interactive links.

4. How do we breathe? - class simulation, worksheets, interactive links

5. How does the blood flow in the heart? - performance assessment, video on blog, worksheet

6. How do molecules of oxygen flow in the respiratory system from the outside air to the alveoli? - reading, questions.

Helpful Videos:
Gas Exchange Made Easy
The Heart Song

Circulatory System Rap

Here is a link to the Review Guide.

Here is a link to the Answers on the Review Guide.

Here are links to two different note sheets we took in class that relate to constructed responses.

Gas Exchange- Click here to access

How we breathe - Click here to access

Connecting the circulatory and respiratory systems together!
The Gas Exchange - Interactive sites

Link - Wisc Online Gas Exchange

Circulatory and Respiratory System Working Together

Today we continue to explore the respiratory system and will look at how do the circulatory and respiratory system work together to produce energy in your body.

Access code: cep-4041

Here is an image of the respiratory system and its structures.

Here is an image of the gas exchange that occurs between the alveoli and the capillaries.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dissection Slide Show

Here is a slideshow previewing the material we'll cover in tomorrow's dissection:

Monday, May 16, 2016

Students working on the Vital Signs Lab.

Today the students ran a vital signs lab with the help of Dr. Cox and Yarmouth Fire Rescue.  
They learned how to find and the importance of pulse, blood pressure, breath rate.
They even got a chance to attempt chest compressions on the mannequin.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Introduction to the Respiratory System

Click here to access the text book.
p. 112-120
Answer Questions: 1-3 (all parts on p. 120)

National Geographic Site- Lungs
Click Here to Access

How the Lungs Work?

Interesting video on the lungs

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Cardiac Disease and Treatments

            What is Atherosclerosis?


What is a Heart Attack?

Interactive Angioplasty

Interactive - What is a Stent?

Cardiac Disease Treatment/ Surgery
Interactive Bypass Surgery - Click here to Access

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Heart Information and Links

Here is the link to the Heart Reading p. 80-82 in the Green Text.
Questions are on p. 84 2a-c.

Heart Video

Interactive site for Labeling the Heart

Heart Smart - University of Washington

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Circulatory System - Structures and Functions of the Heart

Welcome to the introduction of the Circulatory System and today's focus on the structures and functions of the heart.

First I want you to complete the QFocus.  For this the person at the pink spot at the table group will be the recorder.  He/she will need their laptop and will record your questions into the correct Padlet below.  The student at the green spot will be the reporter for the table.  He/she will share out one or two of your questions with the group.  

QFocus: The organ of the heart is composed of many specific structures that allow for important functions within your body.

Second I want you to watch the video of the heart beating.

I want you to think about what kinds of things you witnessed in this short video.  
Why did it beat the way it did?  How many contractions does it look like it makes?
Did anything surprise you?  

Hybrid Medical Heart Beating - Click here to access

We will think-pair-share and have the person at the yellow spot report out a summary to the class.  

Third I want you to explore the following three sites and find the names and locations of the different structures in the heart.
On the provided Heart Diagram please label the:
1. 4 chambers of the heart
2. pulmonary vein and artery
3. 4 heart valves
4. sinoatrial nodes (S-A Node) and atrial-ventricular node (A-V Node)
5. septum
6. aorta
7. aortic arch

If done color code oxygen rich blood red and oxygen poor blood blue at it circultes throughout the heart.

Fourth If you complete the worksheet you can read the following article on current research using stem cells growing human hearts.

Popular Science - Human Heart Grown and Beats

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Cell Processes - Putting it all Together.

Students working on chemical formula puzzles today in class.

Using these two images think about how the processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis are cyclical; that is how one connects to the other.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Cell Energy Review

Comparing Photosynthesis and Respiration 

This is a great review for Friday's Quiz!

Here is a helpful video on the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration:

Here is a video on the processes of photosynthesis. Most of the stuff is "Want to know" rather than "Need to know". If you feel like you've got everything down and want to see the next level check it out! Hank Green is cool, but why does everyone talk so fast?

Be sure to spend some quality, focused time studying each night!

Continue Cell Energy- Cellular Respiration

Today in class, we will begin to shift our focus from photosynthesis to the process in which energy is made, cellular respiration. Let's start by reviewing the section in the Science Explorer text on the topic.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Cell Energy Project

Photosynthesis Project Document

Here are some past examples:

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

TED Talk - Biosphere 2
Jane Poynter

Think about the Inputs and Outputs that allow life to occur.
Think about what goes in (reactants) to Photosynthesis and what comes out (products).

Warm-up - Science Explorer Questions (just complete Page 1 - 
Photosynthesis Questions)

Cell Energy - Guided Note Sheet
Click here to Access

Photosynthesis Webquest

Monday, April 25, 2016

Cellular Energy and Processes

Photosynthesis & Respiration Introduction

Today in science we introduced our new unit on Photosynthesis.  Photosynthesis is the process by which a cell captures energy in sunlight and uses it to make its own food (a type of sugar called glucose).

As a class we focused on a few key terms to know when learning about photosynthesis such as autotrophs, heterotrophs, pigments, chlorophyll, and stomata.

Tomorrow, we will start to dive deeper into the the process of photosynthesis.  The reading for tonight will help reinforce our new understanding of how organisms get energy.  The reading will also introduce the two stages of photosynthesis.

Here is the link for the reading from our Science Explorer text.

Here is a great three minute video from Discovery's "Greatest Scientific Discovery" series that will introduce the experiments that enabled Priestly and Ingenhousz to "discover" photosynthesis.

Padlet Links:

Monday, March 28, 2016

Cell Transport and Processes.

Today we will be starting a Unit on Cell Transport (active and passive).

Essential Question - How do the necessary materials get in and out of your cells.

Here are the notes from today's class.  Click here to access- blank document
Click here to click on class notes.

Click here to access the reading link.

Today in class we will add to these notes filling in examples of each of the vocabulary terms from demonstrations performed in class.

Here are some interactive links showing diffusion of molecules - a form of passive transport.

Wisc-Online - The Cell Passive Transport Demo

Goldiesroom - Passive Transport Demo

Water specific diffusion- Osmosis